November 8, 2020

Hi! My name is Kim E and I live in lowa. I wanted to (FINALLY) follow through on my intention to send you a note to let you know how awesome this ministry (You Are Campaign) is that you have created. I have ordered these cards from you at least three different times.

I'm not sure why it has taken me this long to reach out to you. Perhaps because it is hard to put into words the powerful things that I have witnessed when God has led me to use these cards to minister to people in their walks with the Lord. I LOVE THESE CARDS!

I have used them in my Adult Life Groups, my High School Ministry groups, with a large group of High School Students at a Fall Retreat Camp (75 people), and most recently with a young 19 year old man who comes from a tough family background and has found himself lost and struggling after high school.

The power of these words is almost too difficult to put into words. The way the "right" card touches EACH person at the very perfect moment in their lives is almost mind blowing.

As I sit and send you this message, I have chills running up and down my entire body urging me to be sure to send this to you. I have no idea why ... but I'm certain God is wanting to send you a "wink" in some way because that's how he works and I am honored to be the vessel for him.

Thank you for following through in developing these cards. They are a tremendous blessing to people and as long as you continue to create them, I will keep following God's lead to use them.

Love and Blessings to you Kim B


June 5, 2023

Hello, Thank you so much for this card at church yesterday- I have just been feeling kind of lost in my journey with God and a lack of joy especially at my bank job. There is always so much negativity there that sometimes it can be hard to stay positive throughout the day. But yesterday when Pastor was talking about joy, and there were people praying over me, at first I just felt so much gratitude to have people praying over me, and then I felt an extreme amount of anxiety to the point where I wanted to scream or run out of the church - but I kept mentally fighting the evil spirit. It's been a long time since I've had anybody actually pray over me - so the feeling was a bit weird but very much appreciated. There were so many tears and I don't believe they were tears of sadness. I believe it was tears of overwhelming emotions. Then I was given the card that says " you are a star" and once I got home, I read it and it gave me a sense of hope. Hope to continue on, hope in my journey and purpose, Hope to keep my faith in the Lord. I'm still trying to unpack my whole experience yesterday and pray about what it was that had happened.

Thank you so much for praying over me and this wonderful reminder. This really meant a lot to me!

Love, Jasmine


December 19, 2022

Just thought i would share with you that Amanda R passed out "you are" cards tonight at the end of prayer gathering. It was a beautiful time and my card spoke directly to me!

“Leaving behind the ties of the past that have kept me from soaring” Wow Thank you for being used by God in this way.

I must admit...I've been in the church my whole life and in ministry for most of my life...l've never encountered something like the "you are" cards...it is so unique and I agree so incredible to see how God uses them without any outside effort/ manipulation/whatever. It’s just the Holy Spirit!

Derrick R

Perfect for Me

May 18, 2018

I just wanted to say that someone left me one of these cards just a few minutes ago. This person did not know me and had never met me before. And yet the card was so perfect for me. It was the you are Special card that talks about triumph over trials and the restoration of things lost. This has been the hardest year of my life. Multiple trials have happened, I won't go into them all, but my husband had emergency open heart surgery as my father was dying from cancer. There have been multiple moves, bankruptcy, and the loss of our family home. I feel I have only barely begun the journey back to wholeness as I have frequent anxiety attacks. I try to remember to be anxious for nothing, but I don't always succeed at that. This card meant so much, as I feel like the Lord reached out to me through this lovely person, and just whispered to me of his good and faithful love. I have been a Christian most of my life, but oh, the things we need to be reminded about! His mercies are new every morning!

I really hope this person is blessed for her willingness to be the Lord's hands and voice.

Thank you so much, and to you for making these cards available.

Lisa O

Lives Changed

September 4, 2021

Hi, MY name is Iris, and I am responding to the invitation on the bottom of a Holy Spirit card I received. I attend a women's bible based study group, that is where I got the Holy Spirit card. I picked the 'you are Gifted 'one. It is common to hear how God loves you and the Holy Spirit wants to dwell within you...it is a whole other thing to see those words written and feel they are for you.

I believe these cards not only can change someone's life, they can save one. Thank you, and I thank our God.

Iris S

Soak Everything In

July 9, 2021

I was lead to share my card with my dad. He was so taken back by the word that was coming out of his own mouth. That he had to go lay down and soak everything in. When I first read the card myself. I was floored. Because God loves me enough to share something so sweet, gentle, and affirming with me. From someone that I had never met in my life. Thank you so much! These cards are so life changing and beautiful. I am going to pray over them. And share with the youth at my church. And anyone else that God lays on my heart.

Thanks, again! Mazie B

Randy D

November 26, 2023

I Trust these are very refreshing days for you and your family! On Friday night we had our Life Group. About 14 people were present. The host, due to us sharing with him about the "You Are Cards" asked us to talk about the cards and how we use them. We shared our personal stories about how we saw people drawn to the Lord in deepen ways through receiving a card. We then asked people to select a card, read it out loud and share what it meant to them. A number of them said how what was said in the card was so right on for their lives. The host was totally broken up as he read his card.

We gave a card to our unbelieving friend. As he read it, he paused several times. He then said he would keep the card on his end table and read it often. We are praying he comes to faith in Christ.

So, thank you for listening to the Lord and making what He gave to you available to all of US.

Randy D