Satan Lives in The Church

On my walk with the dog this morning (4/6/2024) The Lord spoke these words to me…

“Satan lives in The Church.”

I thought about it for a moment, and I was taken aback at first, but then agreed with that statement. Afterall, The Lord does not tell me things that are not true.

Satan is an undercover agent in The Church. He mirrors everything He sees. He gains access, he gains trust, he gains participants in his plan.

Similar to how undercover police officers gain access to a gang, they mirror everything the gang does. They do much research before hand to know how each member of that gang operates; the leader’s mannerisms, their go to members and their preferences for all things…whether that be their favorite restaurant, drink, dessert, drug, etc…Being undercover means you learn ALL aspects of ALL those you will be infiltrating. That way you don’t stick out, you blend in. When you do all that as an undercover agent the gang LITERALLY opens their door to you.

When an undercover officer first gains access to a gang they are tested to great lengths by the leaders of that gang and its members. Gang members don’t easily trust newcomers and that newcomer needs to prove their worth. Once they gain the trust of the leaders most often the rest will follow suit.

This is what the enemy has done in The Church. He has gained access. We in return trust him. Understand we are not actually ‘trusting Satan’…we are trusting the person he is operating through at the time.

We are all susceptible to the enemy working through us when we open the door to him. You may be saying…”I wouldn’t open the door to Satan.” Well, of course, you knowingly wouldn’t open the door, BUT do you have unforgiveness towards someone? That’s an open door for him to enter. Do you gossip? That’s an open door for him to enter. Do you harbor bitterness and offence towards anyone? That’s another open door. Do you think you are superior to others and judge them with contempt? Again…another door opens to the enemy.

Personally, I believe The Church tries to present itself as a holy and pure thing; when the only thing that is truly pure and holy is The Lord. We mask and coverup our imperfections and believe that is for the best. Truth be told, it is better to let the truth out in the good and the bad. The enemy cannot entertain his ways where raw truth is present. When we confess our sins, shortcomings, and mistakes we shine light on what the enemy wants to use to keep us in bondage to him.

Perhaps the true awakening of the modern-day church will happen when we no longer try to hide who we are. We are ALL flawed. We are ALL in need of saving. We are ALL on a journey to sanctification that is constant every moment of our earthly lives.

Do you want Satan to continue to live in The Church? Your actions speak WAY louder than your words. I would imagine each person reading this would say a resounding ‘NO of course I don’t want Satan to live in The Church’. Really? Because your actions are holding the door wide open for him to enter. Gossip and unforgiveness are two strongholds that I think hold the door open the MOST at The Church! Soooo…if you struggle with either of those YOU are not only holding the door open for the enemy to operate in your personal life you have opened the door for him to LIVE in The Church! We each need to take responsibility for our part in the downfall of The Church. It is no longer an option to keep pointing our finger at others for opening the door or to be naïve enough to think the church you go to is ‘good’ and it’s the ‘other’ churches that have the problem. NOPE! EVERY CHURCH is responsible for this. We need to take ownership of our part and FIX it!!!

Knowing the issue is a huge part of making things right. If we don’t acknowledge the problem, we cannot ever fix it. Trust me, just because you are choosing to ignore the issue does not make it go away. It exasperates it to grow with great force.

I’m not writing this to say The Church is bad. I’m writing this to say The Church needs a reboot. We have stepped off the cornerstone of our mandate from God. We have chosen to allow the government to do for the people what The Church is meant to do for the people. By us ‘dropping the ball’ we have enabled the government to become a Goliath. It is WAY PAST TIME for the David’s to rise! ‘Who defies the Army of The Lord’…well, with the way things are currently going in our society I would say The Church does not believe in the power of the Army of The Lord. If we truly did believe we would be operating MUCH differently.

Let’s reflect on who we are and what part we play in the door being open to Satan to live in The Church. Then be real with yourself and acknowledge those areas…and THEN do something about it! For some repenting in the moment and turning from that behavior will close the door. For others it may be deeper than that and going through prayer and deliverance with those trained in that area will allow you to close the door to Satan living in The Church.

It is time to take back what we have freely given to the enemy. We are not entering the enemy’s camp to take back what he has stolen from us. We are entering our own camp and taking back what we have given to him of our own free will.

The Lord brings things to my attention when He wants me to share. I do my best to be obedient to His whisper to me and that is one of my contributions to CLOSING the door to ‘Satan living in The Church’.


“For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places.”

Ephesians 6:12

Is this what HOLINESS looks like?

On the way to Church Sunday, March 10, 2024 The Lord gave me a perspective on something I had not had before. The statement He spoke to me was this”Is this what Holiness looks like?”

That little 6 word statement was a HUGE aha moment for my life.

Over the last few weeks I had been thinking about how sin has become a very ‘gray’ thing in our world. Sin seems to have married into society and it is a big blur. Not only for the world, but also the church.

People seem to be more accepting of sin and honestly tend to promote it. The moral compass of our society is broken.

Satan has swooped in and keeps speaking…”did God really say that?” (Genesis 3:1). He gets us to question the moral integrity of our being. He causes us to make excuses to embrace sin. It’s one thing for society to be wandering the planet unknowingly engaging in sinful practices. Afterall, how would they even know if they are not believers in Jesus. You really can’t hold people to a higher moral place when they have no reference for it. HOWEVER, when those who proclaim Christianity have a less than stellar moral compass…that is where I have an issue!

We as the church have muddied the lines of sin. We have jumped on the boat of our secular friends and family and embraced operating in sin. OF COURSE we don’t think we have succumbed to sin, but that is the trickery of the enemy. He causes us to lie to ourselves and believe our lies. Hey, not going to blame people too much for falling into that trap. So many entities that have authority lie and parade it around as truth.

Sin has become so blurred and even Christians have a hard time deciding if things are sin or not.

This is where the statement God gave me comes into play. “Is this what Holiness looks like?”

We can look at things and ask …”Is this a sin or not?” and honestly, sometimes I have NO idea! I know what scripture says, I see what people in authority are doing, I see how my friends and family are operating and I see and hear what is preached from the pulpit and spread on media platforms by Christian leaders….and you know what… It has all become very vague!

For example…I would think most Christians realize that gossip IS a sin; yet this very sin is entertained at most gatherings. People don’t put it in the category of sin…they put it in the category of…”I’m sharing information.” Sure, I get it, BUT now let’s measure it by the statement God gave me Sunday”Is this what Holiness looks like?”NOPE!

That statement has literally altered my life in a phenomenal way. It is now the lens in which I am choosing to look through.

Holiness isn’t only about being able to identify sin, it is also about identifying what is good and what is not. What is adding value and what you should walk away from.

I am going to give a few examples of what happened to me on Monday and Tuesday after The Lord shared that profound statement with me!

“Is this what Holiness looks like?” 

My plan for Monday morning was to take the dog for a 3-4 mile walk before I had to leave the house for appointments. Well, I decided to sleep a bit later than my alarm and by the time I was functioning there really wasn’t time left to go for that walk before I needed to leave the house. I then thought, ‘I’ll take him for a walk in the afternoon when I get back’. How often have we done that? Said we’ll do something ‘later’ and then later comes and goes and we still didn’t follow through?

So…I asked myself this; “Is this what Holiness looks like?”NOPE! Holiness looks like following through on your plans and commitments to yourself.

Since I had run out of time to do the ‘walk’, I then took 10 steps out of our bedroom into our weight room, turned on some worship music and boxed, lifted some weights and did some other exercises. As I was doing that I asked myself …”Is this what Holiness looks like?”…YES! I didn’t do my original plan, but I replaced it with something that was still adding value. (…and the dog did get his walk in the afternoon😊)

Later that day I had eaten a meal and then decided I also wanted a bowl of cereal as ‘dessert’. I asked myself…”Is this what Holiness looks like?” The answer was NOPE!…and you know what? I didn’t care…I ate the cereal anyway. I think it’s important to understand that we knowingly do things that aren’t adding value or aren’t the right choice for us at the time. When we can OWN our shortcomings, we are acknowledging that we are responsible for our choices, even the not ‘healthy’ choices. Being able to acknowledge when we make poor choices is actually a very healthy thing to be able to do!


I have now addressed 3 responses to “Is this what Holiness looks like?”.

1)     YES

2)     NO

3)     I don’t care if it is or not


There is also a 4th response…


I had an ‘incident’ that happened on Tuesday that caused me to go into SURVIVAL MODE. I couldn’t think straight, and I was scrambling to accommodate the incident with the least amount of damage as possible. After the incident was over, I walked away leaving behind some things. On my way home the phrase came to me…”Is this what Holiness looks like?”…NOPE…I should have done things differently after the fact.


The 4th response to “Is this what Holiness looks like?” is this…

“I am in survival mode and incapable of making that decision now.”


That phrase really hit me. I think this is a BIG deal. So many people are operating in survival mode that they are incapable of making decisions…let alone differentiating if something is holy or not. Our society seems to be in a perpetual ‘survival mode’. So many are struggling with mental health, finances, relationships, health, and countless other things. When a person is in survival mode, they are not their true selves. They cannot function rationally. Many people camouflage this well and we think they are ‘fine’, but reality is that they are in ‘survival mode’.

The lens I am choosing to operate from now is from the perspective of “Is this what Holiness looks like?” Equally, I have gained great perspective in understanding that when people are in survival mode, they can’t make a decision on if what they are doing is holy or not. Honestly, they have a really hard time making productive decisions.

So, perhaps when we see behavior that is counterproductive, we shouldn’t jump to the conclusion that people are sinful or not holy or innately ‘bad’. Maybe it would be wiser to understand many are in survival mode. How do we help people in survival mode? I’m not sure of that answer yet, but I am certain that no one wants to operate in survival mode and people are really good at hiding that they are in survival mode. Another reminder to be kind; we really don’t know the whole story of the ‘why’.

Actions speak so much louder than words can ever convey.

I’m hopeful anyone who reads this will gain some perspective and choose to the best of their ability to live life through the lens of…”Is this what Holiness looks like?”. That lens has helped me greatly in just a few days from when The Lord shared it. I’m hopeful this insight will also help you to live life well!

As a Christain I am on a constant journey of sanctification. It is not an easy journey, but it is a journey that is far more rewarding than not pursuing it. ”Is this what Holiness looks like?”  is now my lens to help me on the journey.


Here are 3 Bible verses God directed me to on this journey of looking through the lens of “Is this what Holiness looks like?”:

1 Peter 1:15-16 ~ But like the Holy One who called you, be holy yourselves also in all your behavior; because it is written: “You shall be Holy, for I Am Holy.”

2 Corinthians 7:1 ~ Therefore, my dear friends, since we have these promises, let us purify ourselves from everything that can defile either body or spirit, and strive to be completely holy, out of reverence for God.

2 Timothy 1:9 ~ Since he delivered us and called us to a life of holiness as his people. It was not because of our deeds, but because of his own purpose and the grace which he gave to us who are united with God.


Is this what HOLINESS looks like?

Yes – No – I don’t care if it is or not – I’m in survival mode and incapable to make that decision now

Holiness: The state or quality of being holy, perfect moral integrity or purity; freedom from sin; sanctity; innocence.


The Spirit of Cruelty

Written February 17, 2024 at 9:07 pm. The Lord instructed me to write this and then to post it online on Monday, February 19, 2024.


At 9:30 this morning (2/17/24) – I had just left the lake house heading to the townhouse(the townhouse we lived in for 22 years is now our rental and we have been working on it to get ready to rent out again).

As I was driving I noticed clouds in the sky that looked like wings…whenever I see clouds that look like wings it is my indicator to send the Hosts to build up what needs to be built up and to tear down what needs to be torn down. I did this on the road north of the lake. Then as I got onto the next road I was praying and a thought came to my mind. ‘Why are people so cruel’. After that thought I spoke this; ‘I bind the Spirit of Cruelty and loose the Spirits of Kindness and Compassion upon the land.’

In that moment the Lord spoke to me and said, “not many recognize that spirit.” After that I was flooded with who the Spirit of Cruelty is and why he has been able to wreak so much havoc upon the earth and be essentially unnoticed.

The Lord revealed to me that the Spirit of Cruelty is in charge of many spirits. We recognize the spirits ‘under’ him and are aware of binding those spirits, but we don’t see the spirit controlling the other spirits and that is the Spirit of Cruelty.

The root of much heartache in this world is actually the workings of the Spirit of Cruelty, but we only see its ‘smaller’ pieces.


The definition of Cruelty:

1.      Willfully or knowingly causing pain or distress to others;

2.      Enjoying the pain or distress to others;

3.      Causing or marked by great pain or distress;

4.      Rigid; stern; strict; unrelentingly severe.


Spirits under the authority of Cruelty:

Anxiety, depression, suicide, loneliness, adultery, infidelity, infertility, cancer, diabetes, autoimmune disorders, blindness, deafness, fear, sudden infant death syndrome, addiction, judgement, lack, jealousy, miscarriage, abuse, insecurity, divorce, torment, confusion, hate, lying, perversion, abortion, sex trafficking, human trafficking, infirmity, sickness, disease, bondage, seduction, death, poverty, mental illness, violence, murder, robbery, bitterness, unforgiveness, offense, lust, deceit…I am certain there are many more spirits that ‘report’ to the Spirit of Cruelty…these were the ones that came to me quickly.

I believe we, as Christians need to start targeting the Spirit of Cruelty. It seems to be the ‘root’ that attacks us in so many ways.

The Spirit of Cruelty has no issue with us binding the spirits in his charge because ultimately he is the spirit truly causing the damage.

We need to look at the things we bind and pray against to evaluate if those things fall under the Spirit of Cruelty. Honestly, I think most things would fall under cruelty.

Let’s look at the list I currently have…

I would say most of these are equally cruel to the person inflicted with it and cruel to those that care about that person…

Depression is cruel.

Suicide is cruel.

Loneliness is cruel.

Adultery is cruel.

Infidelity is cruel.

Infertility is cruel.

Cancer is cruel.

Diabetes is cruel.

Auto-immune disorder is cruel.

Blindness is cruel.

Fear is cruel.

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome is cruel.

Divorce is cruel.

Torment is cruel.

Addiction is cruel.

Judgment is cruel.

Lack is cruel.

Jealousy is cruel.

Miscarriage is cruel.

Abuse is cruel.

Insecurity is cruel.

Confusion is cruel.

Hate is cruel.

Lying is cruel.

Perversion is cruel.

Abortion is cruel.

Sex trafficking is cruel.

Human trafficking is cruel.

Infirmity is cruel.

Sickness is cruel.

Disease is cruel.

Bondage is cruel.

Seduction is cruel.

Death is cruel.

Poverty is cruel.

Violence is cruel.

Mental illness is cruel.

Murder is cruel.

Robbery is cruel.

Bitterness is cruel.

Unforgiveness is cruel.

Offense is cruel.

Lust is cruel.

Deceit is cruel.


I am hearing…

”Target the root that is the Spirit of Cruelty instead of spending so much time and energy on the branches of anxiety, depression, suicide, loneliness, adultery, etc…”

“The world will change greatly when the Spirit of Cruelty is crushed by the prayers of the people. You cannot crush what you do not know exists.”

“Know this…the Spirit of Cruelty exists and it hides well under the branches of many other things.”

“Kill the root on cruelty and the branches will die too.”


I stated that I had not ever had a thought about cruelty like this before, but once the Lord brought it to my attention it all made significant sense.

Perhaps, if we change our mindset a bit and start binding the Spirit of Cruelty it may change the world of our friends and family. Perhaps it will even change the world of those who are currently strangers to us AND maybe, just maybe it really will change our entire world!

Personally, I think it is worth investing some time to see what The Lord will do when we partner with Him in our prayers to CRUSH the Spirit of Cruelty!


The Lord led me to the following scriptures after I finished typing above😊

Jeremiah 1:10 See, I have appointed you this day over the nations and over the kingdoms, to root out and to tear down, to destroy and to overthrow; to build and to plant.

Malachi 4:1 For behold, the day is coming, burning like a furnace; and all the arrogant and every evil doer will be chaff; and the day that is coming will set them a blaze, says the Lord of armies, so that it will leave them neither root nor branches.

Isaiah 55:11 So will My word be which goes out of My mouth; it will not return to me empty, without accomplishing what I desire, and without succeeding in the purpose for which I sent it.

Hebrews 12:15 See to it that no one comes short of the grace of God; that no root of bitterness springing up causes trouble and by it many become defiled.


Sunday, February 18, 2024. I believe this is necessary to add.

My husband and I were in church this morning and after worship one of our pastors got on the platform to inform us that this morning in the town just next door to our church’s location an act of violence happened.

Two police officers and one paramedic were called to a domestic ‘situation’. That domestic ‘situation’ was violent. Those 2 officers and 1 paramedic lost their lives this morning. Along with the person that caused them to go to serve and protect. Reports have stated that the gunman turned the gun on himself after he had already killed the officers and paramedic.

I personally see the Spirit of Cruelty operating in all of this…

Violence is cruel.


Lord, we bind the Spirit of Cruelty over our state, our nation and our world. We loose the Spirits of Kindness, Compassion, Love, Joy, Grace and Mercy. We trust you to surround all those who are first responders and those who have chosen a field of service to protect us all. Pour Your protection over them and give them great peace during this very difficult time. We ask that You surround the families of the fallen heroes. Bring comfort to them in ways that don’t seem possible. Turn our world back to You Lord and cause evil to be crushed. In Jesus Name…SO BE IT!


Daily Note #1

I’ve been going through some of my journals and have decided to ‘capture’ some of the things The Holy Spirit has shared with me. I believe they will be a benefit to many! For now, I am going to refer to them as ‘The Daily Notes’🙂 (I will probably share them a few times a week:))

What do you see?

At first glance this may look like a bunch of empty chairs. What you don’t know is that moments before this photo was taken these chairs were filled with people sharing stories, laughing and making new friends.

What you don’t see is one of the chairs was filled with someone who will be moving soon after living in MN for nearly 18 years and becoming dear to many of us. Some chairs filled with parents of grade schoolers and others filled with empty nesters and grandparents. Each chair was filled with memories worth sharing for a lifetime.

Some of these chairs have experienced great laughter and horrendous tears. If these chairs could talk they would share about the beauty of each person that has sat on them over the years. They would share stories of triumph and defeat.

Take time to fill the chairs with old friends and new friends. Take the time to invite people over for an hour or 5. Our world is living in isolation. Isolation is easy, but it definitely isn’t good.

If you have some empty chairs laying around I suggest you throw out an invite and fill them with moments that become long lasting memories.


Practice Life with Kindness

People practice life differently

Each person feels joy, feels sorrow, feels pain, experiences highs and lows, experiences insecurity and moments of being proud of themselves.

On paper...we all look relatively the same. Our strengths and weaknesses inked on paper do not differentiate if we practice life as a mom or dad, a student, daughter or son, a heterosexual or homosexual. Whether we are Jewish, Christian, agnostic or atheist. Our strengths and weaknesses don’t tend to highlight those.

Is it possible for society to be kind to others that practice life differently than they do? Is it? 

In all honesty I try to lead with kindness. I attempt to have kindness as my go to when interacting with matter how we each practice life.

I don’t have to agree with how you practice life to hold the door open for you. I don’t have to agree with your stance on your life and ideals to let you go a head of me in a line. 

No matter how you practice life I know you experience joy and sorrow just like I do. I know that if you spend a summer evening in Minnesota you will get bitten by mosquitos just like I do. I know when someone you care for breaths their last breath on earth you cry and grieve just like I do when I lose someone I love.

I may not practice life like you. I may not believe what you believe...but I feel what you feel. I feel sorrow, I feel joy, I feel anger, I experience frustration and I experience satisfaction.

Is it possible we can focus on being kind to the people and world around us? 

I find being kind takes no more effort than being mean. Speaking kindly takes no more time than speaking harshly and treating a person with respect is as simple as disrespecting.

We each have the opportunity to change from moment to moment. In this moment I hope reading the words ‘penned’ here will cause you to continue down a path of kindness or perhaps it is an opportunity to make a turn to kindness.

We practice life differently, but we experience the same ‘feels’...let’s remember that.

Faux Love Isn’t Love

Hate has brought us to this moment in time. Have we learned nothing?
Hate will not heal our land.
Hate will not rectify the past nor will it cure the future.
But yet, that is all I see...hate.
Hate towards people who are not doing what you think they should be doing.
Hate towards people who aren’t doing enough in your eyes.
Hate towards silence.
Hate towards differing ideas.
Again I say...have we learned nothing?
Love heals.
Love that truly heals cannot cherry pick who it will love.
It needs to love all people no matter what race, religion, sex, ideology, personality and beliefs it has.
Love is passionate.
Love moves mountains.
…but nothing happens if you cannot set aside your ‘feelings’ and pick up your humanity. Your humanity towards those you disagree with speaks volumes more than your humanity towards those who agree with you.
If you say you love - show me.
Because right now, during this moment in time...I only see hate.
Hate rages on.
Hate is fueling debate.
Hate consumes the flames of passion.
No thing good will be done riding Hate’s flame. The answer? Perhaps, start showing love towards those you disagree with first.
People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.
Do you really care?
I am not convinced.
If you truly cared for the greater cause you would get off your self-righteous high horse and listen to understand.
Listen to understand all, not only listen to those who currently agree with you.
In this moment of time I am saddened by the reality of hidden hate.
The sadness stems from seeing hidden hate reveal itself in EVERY person.
Literally EVERY person.
I’m shocked and I’m shook.
Hate rages on.
That needs to change.
Check yourself first...if you say your heart has no hate in it, check it again, because you are lying to yourself.
Be truly truthful with yourself…then, and only then - good change can FINALLY begin.
Remember…Faux Love Isn’t Love.


I love to see people shine. I don’t want to be the cause for someone else’s shine to dull. Many years ago these words dropped into my thoughts and these words described me perfectly…“My desire in life is not to have my presence known, but to have my…

I love to see people shine. I don’t want to be the cause for someone else’s shine to dull. Many years ago these words dropped into my thoughts and these words described me perfectly…

“My desire in life is not to have my presence known, but to have my impact felt.” ~DMM

Reading that phrase will bring literal tears to my eyes.

With the passing of each year it seems so many are bent on dulling the shine of others and wanting their ‘viral’ moment. Fame is a liar that makes you think there is joy when it is attained, but reality is the exact opposite. Why do people want to be seen so badly? Or maybe I should rephrase that…Why do people want to be seen so badly by people who don’t even know them? I’m certain an empty soul is one of the big reasons.

We, as a society should work on perfecting contentment. Contentment isn’t settling for less; it is finding joy where you currently are. Contentment isn’t a dead end, it’s a resting spot that can offer true joy and peace if you allow it to. We can be reaching forward while we are sitting still, we can be focused on tomorrow while today has a pleasant calm. Contentment is a place of accepting who you are completely…flaws and all. A place of contentment is letting the world see that even when we don’t have it all together in some fashion we actually do have it together. Contentment doesn’t compare itself to someone else’s contentment nor does it boast in another’s lows or feel inadequate with another person’s highs.

Contentment doesn’t need or want substances to alter its state of being. Contentment doesn’t feel like a failure and contentment is joyful and happy for other’s achievements. Contentment isn’t threatened by the forward motion of others and it doesn’t compete to be seen. It relishes in the peace, calm and joy of the moment. It knows tomorrow can throw curve balls and it chooses to enjoy the moment while still preparing for the randomness that tomorrow can bring.

I truly believe Contentment is a word that could offer much to you in 2020 if you choose to embrace it for what it is. It is being good with who you are in the moment. It is knowing you may not be where you want to be yet, but it is thankful for what you have overcome. It is thankful you are in this place and that you can appreciate the journey and celebrate the stillness and peace that Contentment offers.

Contentment isn’t giving up. Contentment isn’t a place of failure nor is it a place of distress. Contentment is being secure in who you are in the current moment. Contentment is knowing God himself created you and each place you arrive is a place where God offers rest and reflection.

In 2020 choose to reflect and find peace in being content in each day as you walk the path of your journey well.